Innovative pedagogical resources in Conservative agriculture for Iperca

Published by Leng SEAK on

E-learning center of Institute of Technology of Cambodia has been participated in the working session at Royal University of Agriculture, which is organized by Royal University of Agriculture on the topic of “Innovative pedagogical resources in Conservative agriculture for Iperca project” on May 10, 2016, and has invited E-learning center of ITC to share experiences of operating e-learning system in Institute of Technology of Cambodia and to get some supports from e-learning center of ITC.

I. Objectives

  1. Introducing IPerca website and e-learning resources development by RUA
  2. Introducing e-learning of ITC by ITC
  3. Presentation of intern students from Malaysia about their e-Learning system
  4. Discussion

II. IPerca project

  1. Funded by France, training
  2. Aimed to improve knowledge on Agriculture and Conservation

III. Discussion

  1. Feedback session on iperca website from students
  2. Support from ITC
  3. Interactivity that students like
  4. Working plan for volunteer students to assist lecturers



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