Frequently Asked Questions

This is frequently asked questions

 What is e-learning?

E-learning is an electronic learning or a full distance learning course, and typically means using a computer to deliver part, or all of a course.

Cooperating with quality lecturers and combining this with a dedicated experienced technical team and support staff, e-learning center provides a perfect blended learning environment, which students learn at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place.

Students can watch lecturers’ tutorials online, do the quiz and ask the questions in the system.

There is a tracking system which lecturers can track how many students learn the e-learning courses.

Who is it for?

It is for students or trainees especially at higher education who are attending bachelor degree at universities in Cambodia.

How can students use it?

In most cases, students will be enrolled to e-learning course by the school to have an account to log in and learn e-learning courses at anywhere and anytime, such as at the school computer lab and/or at their home as many times as they like.

Where are the students when they log on to the lessons?

They can come to computer lab at school or they use the Internet at home to log on to the lessons.

What about the quality of lessons?

All the lessons are taught by fully selected qualified lecturers. Their course development is monitored by the e-learning coordinator. We can assure the high quality of contents, sound, and video.

How do we know that students make progress?

The e-learning system can keep track whether students learn and progress. How long they watch the e-learning courses is recorded.

What support is there if they have problem in learning e-learning?

There are e-learning staffs who supports and solves the problems for students at all times. Students can email, call or visit us directly at e-learning center, Room 220B during working hours.
