Training on Library management 2017

Published by Leng SEAK on

I. Course’s title

 An overview of library management: people, users, infrastructures.

II. Course description

The instructor will show that modern library management include 4 matters : organization and staff (people) – collections (printed and digital) and services – infrastructure and equipment including ILS – publics (so called users) potential and effective.  Divided in three parts, this one-day course will give the basis of library management with particular topics

(1) on the organization of libraries and people management,

(2) on the surveys and bibliometrics as tools to understand the user’s needs,

(3) on the infrastructures of modern libraries when they are redefined with new objectives of learning, research and socialisation places.

III. Objectives:

At the end of the day, the participants will be able to have a new look on library management.  The objectives are to open eyes on new challenges of modern libraries in a changing world and by this way to take account the implications of the changes on library team, library users and library building and equipment.

IV. Training Program

1. Date and Time

  • Date : Friday, March 24th, 2017  
  • Time : 8:00am – 5:00pm

2. Venue: Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Room F206

3. Agenda:


V. Instructor Information

1. Instructor’s name: Prof. Frédéric Brodkom (UCL & ARES-CCD)

2. Instructor’s profile: 

Doctor in sciences and Master in business and administration, Frédéric Brodkom is actually

(1) since 2002, Director of the Library and learning center of sciences and technologies of the University catholic of Louvain,

(2) since 2014, Invited lecturer at the University catholic de Louvain (2 courses of 5 ECTS : Library management, Bibliometrics),

(3) since 2004,  Expert for the ARES-CCD in international cooperation for university libraries



V. Registration

Register Here

Registration fee: 5$ if registering before March 17th (because we can have sponsor from The University Commission for Development (CUD)); Hurry to register!

  • Registration fee: (after March 17th) 15$ for contributing the 2-time coffee and snack + a lunch.

VI. Organizer

Image result for ITCImage result for cud

VII. Contact

Mr. DIN Pichar


Tel: 010686797

Ms. SEAK Leng


Tel: 011685685


***Note: The organizers reserve the rights to change or modify the program and schedule if necessary